Curu sees 2x increase in open rate in their first email with Ubico

“We’ve been doing prospecting for 3 years at this point and with Ubico we have saved a lot of time, the process it’s been more efficient and customizable. All these factors make that anyone in my position or in charge of the growth of a small business would want to be working with something like this.”
Jalen Brooks
Director - Business Development

The challenge 

Everything in the process was manual. They used multiple platforms that were not integrated.

The challenge was getting access to prospects and then engaging them.


Through the Ubico platform, they unified all the processes and built their target profile, implemented an outbound email campaign, and also had the data and reports to measure the success of those actions. 

The results

The open rate in the first email was about 40% (2 times higher than the campaigns they were implementing with Mailchimp)

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