How Twincreek's CEO leveraged Ubico to close a $100,000+ contract

"The client we landed 1 month ago through Ubico is worth $100,000 to our agency, that pays for the whole thing"
James Shaw

The Challenge

TwinCreek’s sales team is founder-led and relies heavily on James who is also the Creative Director of the company. It fell upon, James to build and scale a sales stack fit for TwinCreels’ growth objective: to build brand awareness amongst their target market and connect with high-value contacts from multiple industries

Specifically, this required:

  • Access to accurate and extensive B2B data
  • The ability to identify and filter their niche target audiences effectively
  • The ability to conduct efficient and sustainable outreach to maximize sales opportunities.

The Solution:

In November  2023, When Ubico’s sales team reached out to James via cold outreach, James was immediately impressed by the platform’s capabilities. He immediately decided to pick up Ubico to help him with establishing an effective outbound channel.

Ubico’s features ticked all the important boxes:

  1. Consolidation of outbound sales processes between data enrichment, highly engaged social prospecting, and integrated sequencing to maximize the productivity of the starting sales team.
  2. Hyper-specific lead filtering and dynamic personalization to complement TwinCreek’s case-by-case approach to multiple industries
  3. Sophisticated AI-powered lead intelligence that would support more relevant and creative outbound approaches.


In less than 7 months, Twincreek’s one-person sales team has recorded impressive results:

  • Over 30 conversations, 15+ meetings booked, and a $100K+ contract sourced via outbound on Ubico.
  • Multiple hours saved per day per user, reducing the need for early recruitment and associated costs.
  • Improved data quality, especially in the Canadian market, enhancing the company’s national outreach.
  • Smooth and effortless onboarding, thanks to an intuitive platform interface.

Ubico has proven invaluable for TwinCreek Media  in scaling operations and results by maximizing the potential of multi-channel outreach.

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